World Class lessons from Mendoza


Romanella Paggi


Romanella Paggi is a professional with more than 20 years’ experience in the tourism industry in Argentina, specialized in wine tourism.

She studied BA. Tourism at Salvador University. This was followed by an MBA specializing in Marketing at Francisco Vitoria University in Madrid-Spain. She is a Professor at Aconcagua University in the department of Wine Tourism Management. Businesswoman, owner of KETEK Events & Tourism, Tour Operator specialized in South American Wine Routes. They are the official travel agency in Argentina for The Great Wine Capitals Global Network They have held this position for for more than 20 years. Currently, she is am one of the consultants for PEVI 2030 (2030 wine strategic plan), developed by the Ministry of Tourism of Argentine and the Argentine Wine Corporation; of the Wine Marketing Plan of the National Institute for Tourism Promotion. Romanella is a trainer in several wine regions of Argentina. She has travelled widely to many wine growing regions of the World. She is motivated by new challenges and multidisciplinary creative environments and looks forward to sharing the highlights of wine tourism in the Mendoza region of Argentina. She loves traveling, discovering new scents and flavours. She enjoys being outdoors, practising yoga and meditation. She is the mother of beautiful twins.